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Learning Opportunities

Site Visits 

Professional learning experiences geared toward educators and instructional coaches

Learning Cycles

Collaborative district site visits with learning experiences such as classroom walkthroughs and panel discussions.

Short videos showcasing personalized practices aligned to the PL framework.

Data used to drive decision-making and refine cycles of refinement

Impact & Improvement

PL in Action

Stories highlighting local approaches leading to successful implementation


Coming Soon

Learning Cycles


Details Coming Soon!

Location: TBD











Coming Soon
Takeaway Tuesdays
Book Studies

Impact & Improvement


District Site Visits




Fargo Public Schools Site Visit 

Time: 8:15 - 3:15 CT

Location: Agassiz Loft (1305 9th Avenue S, Fargo, ND)

Max Number of Participants: 50

Contact: Agassiz Main Office ( 701-446-2800) 


Description:  Fargo Public Schools are excited to have you join them for a day of learning! Participants will have the opportunity to visit various buildings across the district, including elementary, middle, and high school levels. The visit will include panel and roundtable discussions, with interactive experiences at Dakota High School.


District Focus Areas: Fargo is focused on stragtegies to ensure that deep and meaningful Relationships are being built, allowing for the Continuum of Learning to be individualized for each child.





Northern Cass Site Visit - Coming Soon

Time: TBD

Location: 16021 18th St SE, Hunter, ND 58048

Max Number of Participants: TBD

Contact: Beth Head (

Description:  TBD

District Focus Areas: TBD


Site Visits
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